Editor Rewrite & Thoughts on PureScript
I recently updated my structural editor, which I have given its own domain: sediment.io
The first prototype of the structural editor was written in ClojureScript. At the time, this was chosen for its immutable data structures and its Om and Reagent libraries which bind to React.
I like ClojureScript, but I eventually got to a point where it was very difficult and mentally taxing to rewrite and refactor. I was stuck in a time consuming modify/run/test cycle, and I needed some help from the compiler in the form of a good type system to turn that into a much quicker modify/typecheck cycle.
I often see advice to use a dynamic language when you are growing a new project and use a static one when you know what you’re going to do up front. I find this to be completely untrue. A good type system will let you change your code a lot faster.
I settled on PureScript, which at the time of writing is in an early stage of development. I had to write a lot of bindings to JavaScript myself, but this wasn’t as time consuming as you might imagine. There are some rough edges and bugs, but I’m pleased with my choice. There was an improvement in development time and I think there was more to it than the fact that it was, at least in part, a rewrite.
I also decided to move from React to virtual-dom. This project is much smaller, more understandable, and easier to bind to PureScript than React. I found it much easier to debug when things went wrong.
Thoughts on PureScript
PureScript is a very nice way to get a Haskell-like language in the browser. The advantage over its competition is that it compiles to fairly readable, debuggable JavaScript. It is easy to reason about its performance.
I do have some complaints, most of which are due to its youth:
The first is that right now there is no automatic type class derivation. This makes writing common things like comparison and serialisation for your data types a bit painful.
In practice I didn’t like the row polymorphic records. It seems on the
surface like it would be a good fit for a language that interacts with
JavaScript, but I prefer Haskell’s record fields for all their
problems. I like writing field
instead of (\x -> x.field)
and I also ran into some bugs with the type checker where I got some
very strange errors and needed to annotate (which I’ll try to
reproduce and report).
When writing a data structure like data A = A {field :: T}
you can’t
just call .field
on a value of type A, you have to de-structure it
first: fn (A row) = row.field
. You can instead use an alias like
type A = {field :: T}
, but then you cannot (yet?) write any type
class instances for it.
Exhaustiveness checking is not yet in the language, and this is something I think is very important. The few runtime errors I encountered were generally because of this.
I also found the effect system
complicates more than it helps. It didn’t catch any errors and was
time consuming to deal with. I have found Haskell’s IO
type to have
all the granularity I need so far. Time will tell.
PureScript is relatively young. I’m sure most of these problems will eventually be fixed and it will be an even nicer language to work with.
If I were to rewrite again, alternatives I would consider are Haste, GhcJS, or js_of_ocaml. I’m least familiar with OCaml, but I find its module system to be theoretically nicer than using type classes. Idris looks a bit more ‘out there’, but it’s fascinating.
Editor Improvements
A big issue with the previous version was navigating around the code. The arrow keys were mapped to moving through the tree, e.g. up would move to the enclosing expression. Although logical, this turned out to be confusing to use.
I noticed when editing Lisp in Emacs that you don’t often need to select an expression, so now the navigation keys move around the leaves of the tree. I also made the keys map to the code visually, so the up key takes you to the first leaf of the previous line. This feels much more intuitive and familiar.
There’s still a long way to go here.
Improved Speed
The speed of the previous version was actually remarkable considering it type checked, compiled and ran the entire program on every repaint. This can’t scale up very far though.
In this version the type checking, rendering and evaluation results are cached. Web workers are used for the evaluation, so long calculations won’t halt the UI.
I added the ability to add comments at the top level. This feature is starting to realise the benefits of a structural editor. The comments are not just text, they are Markdown. They can include structure, links, images, videos - anything HTML can do.
For this I integrated the Ace text editor, so your comments are syntax highlighted when editing them.
There’s a lot of potential for this kind of feature - editing embedded HTML, SQL etc. with syntax highlighting and completion.